Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Sorry about the picture, Lauren. If you email me an actual picture of you from this week, I'll use that instead. Until then, all we have is this cheesy movie poster.

As many of you already know, Lauren has been in Orlando all week competing in a Karate tournament.

She was supposed to compete starting Tuesday of this week, is it going?

Any news you can post here, Lauren, would be most interesting to all of us. Hope things are going well and that you're having a great time!


Anonymous said...

I'm finally home! And it was a lot of fun. It was hard coming back to 40 degree weather after nice 80 degree weather.

So, I ended up with 4 medals. It was tough this year because I had to go into the adult division, which is actually really challenging! (18th birthday was sunday). Here's a summary:
-A bronze in weapons
-A bronze in team fighting
-A bronze in team forms (my partner and I were the only girls who placed, and we had to compete in the finals with all men)
-A silver in team (girls only) forms (this division was added on finals day because the Italian guys wouldn't compete against the Italian girls for some reason. In a tie that everyone said we definitely should have won, we ended up placing 2nd.)
-I also got 5th place in individual fighting, just shy of the medals :(

But that's a brief summary of how my week went. Pretty exciting to meet up with friends from other countries and to meet other new people!

Unknown said...


It sounds like you had an amazing week! Congratulations on all of your awards. What an interesting experience. Thanks so much for sharing. I am proud of you.

Mrs. Harl