Monday, November 24, 2008


Since many of you decided you'd rather have a potluck Thanksgiving feast than boring old donuts, I thought we might organize ourselves and post what we're bringing so that we don't have 17 people bringing cookies.

For anyone who doesn't feel like making food, we also will need PLATES, FORKS, AND CUPS (if someone volunteers for drinks).

REMEMBER, you are NOT required to bring anything. You just shouldn't eat or drink if you don't contribute.

ALSO, LETS MEET IN THE CAFETERIA AT 7:40, so we are legal and not breaking any school rules about eating in the classroom.

SO...... GO AHEAD AND POST WHAT YOU PLAN TO BRING, so everyone can plan accordingly. I'll bring something too....
I haven't decided what yet.


Sara said...

Well if its okay I will bring drinks. I can bring whatever anyone wants whether it be orange juice or soda.

Rachel said...

I can bring some chocolate chip and maybe some sugar cookies :)

Unknown said...

I will bring a donut and bagel mix....something breakfastish.

Ash09 said...

I will be the random one and bring popcorn. There is a microwave in the cafeteria..

But sweet and salty is a good mix right? =)

Have a good day.

Sarah L said...

I'll bring a bag of Cheeto's. =)

Anonymous said...

I've got cooler ranch doritos. Yum:]

tv024 said...

I am planning on bringing a bag of clementine tangerines "cuties".

Looking forward to tomorrow.

-Have a great day everyone. =)