I want us to do this publicly, for a couple of reasons:
1. We can't have duplicate topics, so once your topic is posted and approved no one else can take it. By posting it, we can all see the topics as they are approved.
2. I will provide comments and guidance on your topic, and everyone can get a better sense of what the guidelines are if we can all read the feedback.
1. Your research topic (you MUST take a position).
Example: The U.S. should adopt a policy of universal health care.
2. Your three part thesis statement.
Example: The U.S. should adopt a universal health care policy because it would be less expensive; it would be more equitable for all people; and it would improve the overall quality of health care in the United States.
***You could also argue AGAINST universal health care and provide three reasons.
3. Explain the connection to your senior project.
For our annotated bibliography...do we put it on our slides or type it on a separate piece of paper?
you type it on a separate piece of paper.
1. Social, cultural, and economic factors result in rural poverty in Appalachia.
2. Cultural isolation, a lack of education, and little economic growth create rural poverty in the Appalachian Region.
3. This topic relates to my senior project because I am collecting clothes and sending them to this area. Sarah and I have witnessed the poverty in this region and that is why we decided to send what we receive down there.
We're allowed to change our thesis statements later on if we need to, right? I think mine will work, but I'm not completely sure.
1. Reversing the cycle of rural poverty takes community effort, not just individual effort.
2. Because quality education and mentor programs, less separation in communities, and family stability can contribute to breaking the cycle of rural poverty, the efforts of many are required to reverse the pattern.
3. Our clothing drive is benefitting an organization in Appalachia committed to battling poverty in the area.
1.Schools should teach Spanish earlier in their curriculum.
2.immigration,location,and opportunities are important factors that make Spanish such a dominant language.
3. This topic relates to my senior project because I am teaching young children Spanish.
1. Pet therapy is a very beneficial factor in assisting the sick and elderly, and it works!
2. Pet therapy is both emotionally and physically beneficial to all patients, and it can instill many great qualities in a person.
3. Our senior project involves organizing an evening of entertainment at a local retirement home. Pet therapy is another common form of entertainment and rehabilitation used in retirement and nursing homes.
Rachel, Sarah, Kirstie, and Lauren,
Overall, nice topics, thesis statements, and showing connection to your senior project.
I have a couple of suggestions for you individually, but we can talk about those while we're in the computer lab on Monday.
Great job!!!
1. The United States should not adopt a universal health care policy. =)
2. The U.S. should not adopt a universal health care plan because the U.S. cannot afford it, it restricts choice, and those who are not insured usually choose not to be.
3. This relates to my senior project because I put on a health fair. Health care is connected to every booth I had present at my fair.
1.The United States government should do everything in it’s power to end poverty in the U.S.
2. Government funded low income housing, job opportunities, and education availablitity are three that the government could do to end poverty in America.
3. This topic relates to my senior project because I am helping Habitat for Humanity of Evansville build homes and collect money for those in need.
1.) Swimming is one of the best ways to stay physically fit.
2.) The health benefits swimming offers conditioning of the entire body, a low impact workout, and stronger cardiovascular system.
3.) My project is to develop a swimming training apparatus, using an engineering approach, that will directly benefit the community.
-Have a great day everyone. =)
Video games can be constructive, not just entertaining
video games have been proven to increase hand eye coordination, increase participation in gym class, and excersize your brain when you could be doing nothing
This connects to my senior project because i am hosting a halo 3 tournament
1) Kids should be encourage to get involved with extracurriculars and stay envolved throughout high school.
2) Those involved are more preoccupied with their time, more encouraged to do well in live, and have a more positive outlook.
3) My project involved helping out with envolved students in middle school and showing them the things I have leard in high school such as summer musical, and by working with them I am encouraging them to continue their envolvement in high school and experience more things with what they are doing now.
1. Local businesses should be obligated to provide charitable support for the community.
2. Local businesses should be obligated to provide charitable support for the community for three central reasons: it would benefit the community, it would benefit the business, and it would be morally correct.
(last point subject to change; optimistically it will)
3. As my senior project involves a business (Clayton's) providing charitable support (via coat-drive)for its surrounding community, it directly relates to my topic.
1. BMX racing is a very beneficial sport in many aspects.
2. BMX is beneficial to younger kids in the community because it gives them a positive outlet for their energy, provides them with an anjoyable form of energy, and teaches them at an early age to work diligently towards something they enjoy.
3. This topic relates to my senior project because Christan and I are raising money for our local BMX track at Burdette Park.
My topic is whether or not foriegn language should be required in high school curriculum. It should because statistics show that students in foreign language have higher GPAs, a better chance at getting into a good college, and it is a useful skill for life after school.
1.) Is the government doing enough to help out the less fortunate in America?
2.) The government is playing a big part in helping those who are less fortunate through the Welfare system, also through food drives/ food stamps, medicare, and places such as shelters and soup kitchens. Although poeple need to lend a hand in helping out their fellow neighbor by volunteering their time and services.
3.) This topic relates to my senior project because I am putting on a coat a kid coat drive so that the kids that dont have coats may be able to stay warm this winter. It is amazing just how many people in Evansville don't have enough warm cloths to get them through the winter.
For my project, Alyssa and I went to West Terrace and taught kids from the daycare French and Spanish. The kids who actually paid attention caught on and were pretty good at it. It was just a matter of keeping their attention. It's connected, obviously, because we went and taught school-age kids a foreign language.
1. The government should do more to provide assistance to the poor in our country.
2. The U.S. government should be doing more to reduce the poverty rates of our country in order to cut down on unemployment and poverty, strengthen the economy, and brighten the futures of impoverished children.
3. This relates to my senior project because my project is to provide coats to impoverished people who cannot afford them.
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