It's time for another REQUIRED POST. Please respond to the following questions by TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 by 7:40 A.M.
1. What novel are you reading for the research paper, and who is the author?
2. How interesting and engaging have you found the novel; basically, was it a good choice for you?
3. What are you finding most difficult with your research right now?
4. What can I do to help you?
5. What should you do to better help yourself?
1. Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier.
2. I really liked the book, but it was kind of hard to get in to. The chapters were really long, that was the hardest part.
3. I'm having issues with finding non-Internet sources. And figuring out how to lay out my paper, haha.
4. I'm not sure...I think it's just something I have to get determined to figure out.
5. I need to stay focused and keep myself from getting too stressed. [Thanks for giving us another day to do our outlines, by the way! =) ]
1. The Awakening, by Kate Chopin
2. I didn't find it very exciting, and I had a terrible time getting into it at all.
3. Trying to find different sources and how to exactly write my paper. I am having a lot of trouble putting my thoughts together.
4. I really do not know to be honest. I guess by me taking advantage of the enrichment periods.
5. I need to stop getting stressed like Sarah. That's my only problem right now. And thanks for the extension! =)
1. The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
2. It was a pretty good novel, not my favorite, but I liked it.
3.I am having a hard time deciding where I want to go with it. There are a few options that I have, but I can't decide.
4. I think that after you look at our outlines it will help me with my actual essay.
5. I think instead of spending time deciding, I should just work out one and see how well it works and if it doesn't, try another idea.
1. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
2. It was alright; it was a quick and easy read because the chapters were really short.
3. I'm having trouble really grasping the concept of the sources. I'm just not understanding what exactly we need them for if we've read the book. Are they just used to help us understand the book better? And if so, how does that contribute to the paper?
4. Please explain the sources! Maybe i'm just overthinking this but I seriously don't get it.
5. I just need to sit down and take some time on the paper. That's the best way for me to get things going.
The extension for our outlines helped out A LOT. Thanks to you, Rachel, and Sarah! :]
1. Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier
2. I love this novel. The movie was really good, too. I think it was a good choice, but I can read just about anything.
3.I'm having issues finding sources.
4. I don't know. I need less time with band stuff and more time for school stuff.
5. Make time for schoolwork.
1. One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey
2. I really liked my book, I immediatley loved it and fell into it and I think it was the best book for me to read.
3. Just finding sources that agree with what I am saying.
4. Well going to the library and listening to Mr. Hammons helped a lot so I don't think you need to do that much to help us, you have giving us a lot of resources.
5. Stay organized and turn in my assign ments on time.
1. Macbeth by William ShakeSpeare
2. I really like my book, mainly, because I was able to get into it. usually things that deal wit medieval times, and plays I generally like. The only thing that I didn't like was the way it was written, however the simple easy to read version that came along with it helped me out a lot.
3. I having some issues with trying to get my thoughts written down into words, I have all the information that I need to write the paper I'm just not sure how to go about it.
4. You have already been a huge help to me, by sitting down with me and reading over my thesis statement and helping me layout my outline. That is a big help to get me started.
5. I just need to stay focused and since you have pointed me in the right direction I just need to take what I have already and just keep running with it ( if that even makes any since).
P.S. Thanks for accepting Sarah and Rachel's plea and giving us more time to work on our research papers.
Thanks Rachel and Sarah good looking out!!!
1. I am reading Awakening by Kate Chopin...along with Ashley:)
2. I have found my book pretty engaging. It's about a woman breaking the mold of what she's expected to be like and I like that.
3. Probably just finding all the sources that aren't online, along with in-text citations.
4. I guess just being open to help me is all I can ask.
5. Working on the paper day by day, instead of waiting until the week of would be my suggstion to myself.
1. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
2. It was very slow-moving (thanks almost solely to the endless monologues of the protagonist), but it was certainly readable and was a good insight (at least psychologically) into human nature.
3. Finding decent sources, laying out the paper's structure, and...starting.
4. Some help with the general structure of the paper would be appreciated.
5. Start.
1.I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
2.I have found the novel very interesting; it was a great choice.
3.Finding different sources, and putting everything together.
4.I don't know yet, I'll ask if I have a problem later.
5.I need to stay determined.
1. I am reading I know why the caged bird sings and Maya Angelou is the author.
2. I'm finding it hard to read, I think it may be more of a girls book.
3. Finding alternate sources
4. Going over the outlines with us
5. Stay focused on not falling behind
1. The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams
2.It was pretty interesting. It was the first time Ive ever read a play and I went through it pretty quickyly
3. The fact that there is little info on this book
4. Library days are always nice
5. Research more and procrastinate less
1.) Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad.
2.) I am not too fond of this novel. It seems to me that Conrad overcomplicated a simple story.
3.) The overall meaning of the book is difficult for me to understand. I don't see the message the author is giving.
4.) Canceling the research paper wouldn't hurt. Haha. Nothing else you can physically do to help.
5.) I have re-read the book and looked at SparkNotes, I see no other hope.
-Have a great day everyone. =)
1.One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest by Ken Kesey
2. I loved the novel. Once I started reading it I could not set it down. Yes, it was a very good choice for me.
3. Finding reliable sources has been the most challenging aspect of the research paper.
4. I think that everything you have been doing has been helpful.
5. I just need to sit down and stay focused. I keep getting too distracted!
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