Friday, October 17, 2008


If you want to stake your claim on your literary terms for presentations, go ahead and post yours here. That way, everyone knows what's been taken.

Ashley has point of view and irony. Everything else is still open.

Where are my poll questions??? I know you all have it in you.


Anonymous said...

I think I'll take oxymoron, and I'm still deciding on the other

tv024 said...

I would like to claim hyperbole and metaphor.

-Have a great day everyone. =)

tv024 said...

Oh, and could we do a little political poll? It might seem boring but I'm just curious of the results.

-Have a great day everyone. =)

Unknown said...

ok, oxymoron, hyperbole, and metaphor are also now taken.

Tyler, I'll try to come up with a political poll.....good suggestion.

Coleigh said...

I'd like genre and symbolism if it's still available. :)

Sarah L said...

I belive I will take connotation and diction. =)

Rachel said...

I would like to take figures of speech and denotation :)

Unknown said...

Sarah, Coleigh, and are signed up. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I'd also like to take imagery.

Kaity said...

I think I will take irony and foreshadowing.

Unknown said...


I put you down for foreshadowing, but Ashley already has irony.

Colten said...

I'll take Flashback, and I will also take style.

Tamara (T-Bangz!!!!) said...

I want cliche and figure of speech...if they aren't already taken!!!

Unknown said...


I put you down for cliche. Rachel has figure of speech.